October 14, 2022
The Pitch, The Hit = a Home Run for Your Story! Working with Media
Presented by Melissa Knicely of Charlotte Mecklenburg Animal Care and Control
Workshop Description:
We will go through 9 innings of the most important plays to get you and your organization in the news through traditional media, social media and by relationship building in your community.
These will include proven tips for those who have easy access to local news stations and those who do not.
You will leave this game with over 30+ foul-proof ideas to get your story told, while building long lasting relationships you can rely on in the future.
Melissa is the Communications Manager and Senior Public Information Officer for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Animal Care & Control Division. She has been in this position for fifteen years. She is responsible for media relations, promotion, public relations, marketing, oversight of grant applications and reporting with research and planning and works on special projects for the Division.
She manages a team of three, that includes a Development Specialist, Social Media Specialist, Outreach Services Specialist and works closely with the events officer. She serves as the Public Information Officer for the Division, which also includes the Emergency Response Team. Melissa has obtained over 30 FEMA Certifications for Public Information Officer training and Emergency management for responding to disasters on a local, state and national level. In addition, she has received training certificates from three different universities with a focus on epidemiology, zoonotic diseases and nutrition. Melissa also serves on the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Animal Federation, chairs the Communications Committee and is serving as the current administrative director.
Melissa majored in Mass Communications and holds a Master’s Certificate in Community Preparedness and Emergency Management.
Prior to employment with Animal Care & Control, she spent 20 years in the television broadcasting industry working at local television stations in Harrisonburg, Virginia, Atlanta, Georgia, Charlotte, North Carolina as well as positions with the NBC Network, ESPN and The Carolina Panthers.
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her three Siberian Huskies. She is also an avid Carolina Panthers, JMU Dukes and UNC Tarheels fan and works as a freelance graphic designer for the SEC Network based in Charlotte, NC.
This course is free to attend. Open to animal welfare professionals.
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1348 Parker Dr Charlotte, NC 28208