Be Aware of Autumn Dangers for Pets

Autumn is a time for pumpkins, fall leaves, and cooler temperatures but there are dangers specific to the Fall season to be aware of to keep your pets safe.

  • Love corn cobs for decoration? Take care to keep them away from your pet's reach. Never let your dog chew on a corn cob - decoration or otherwise - as they can cause an obstruction that would require surgery.
  • Have you moved your outdoor plants inside to protect them from frost? Make sure to do your research and keep them away from your dog or cat if they are poisonous.
  • Keep your pets inside while you're planting fall bulbs.
  • Always check fertilizers and mulches for mold.
  • Keep your pet away from mushrooms that grow in the yard. They can be poisonous and can cause gastrointestinal issues for dogs and cats.
  • Keep your pets away from acorns. They cause digestive issues, but they can also be a choking hazard and can damage teeth.

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