Category: Animal Welfare News
Butler: HSC Alumni and Weather Channel Celebrity
All pets adopted from the Humane Society of Charlotte go on to live extraordinary lives, but every once in a while, an animal adopted from HSC goes on to live a life of extraordinary public service. Butler, adopted from the Humane Society of Charlotte in 2014, is one of these special pets. American Humane found […]
HSC Team Members Give Educational Talks for the North Carolina Animal Federation
Leah Massey, Community Cats Program Manager, and Kayla Wade, Behavior & Training Coordinator of the Humane Society of Charlotte have put on their education hats and will be providing their expertise to the members of the North Carolina Animal Federation (NCAF). Leah Massey, who has spearheaded the HSC Community Cats Program and its TNR efforts […]
The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement releases new data on the impact of COVID-19 on shelter animals
The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement has released official data from the Shelter Animals Count National Database regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on shelter animals. The following linked report provides a look at comparative data on sheltered animals from the first six months of each of the last three years: 2019, 2020, and […]
Two Charlotte animal welfare organizations team up to assist the Humane Society of United States with animal cruelty case
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Services and Humane Society of Charlotte accept rescued dogs into adoption program Animal welfare organizations including Charlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Services and the Humane Society of Charlotte teaming up to assist the Humane Society of United States find placement for dozens of puppy mill dogs who were part of an animal cruelty investigation and seizure […]
ASPCA Awards HSC $10k grant for Animal Relocation
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) generously awarded the Humane Society of Charlotte (HSC) a $10,000 grant on February 13, 2020. HSC will use these gifted funds for our animal transport program. HSC partners with municipal shelters in the region, some as far as 100+ miles away, to create positive […]
HSC Responds to HSUS Puppy-Mill Bust
The Humane Society of Charlotte stepped in to help animals in need for the second time this winter (see photos here!) On Wednesday, January 15, 2019 a home in Laurens County, SC was raided on suspicion of a puppy mill operation and more than 150 animals were discovered. The Humane Society of the United States […]